Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Two rhinofed-s a day keeps the flu away?

Past few days have been really hot and humid, even at night. But can't use the AC for long because of my flu. Yes, i fell sick, again... What's new eh? Probably got it from mom, who was sick before. There was a slight lag though, 'cos she recovered already a few days before i got it. So she might be innocent after all. Anyway, started taking rhinofed since yesterday, hopefully i'll get better real soon.

Was browsing some articles and i found two especially interesting ones. First, an obama statue was made and placed at a Jakarta park. But now it's been removed because a lot of people were complaining that we (Indonesians that is, which i am) should be honouring our heroes more than Obama. I agree, since he's not Indonesian anyhow. Plus it's not as if he's done anything for the better of Indonesians, which by the way is not his responsibility, he's got enough problems as is in US of A. The statue(of obama when he was 10) was relocated to the school that he attended when he was in Indonesia.

The second one is from Switzerland, which if you were paying attention during Social Studies when you were in secondary school, practices a direct democracy system. An initiative requires 100,000 signatures while a referendum require 50,000 (read the article on what the differences are if you don't remember your social studies). The important point of this second article is that an initiative was brought out, with 144,000 votes, so that animals are able to be represented by a lawyer for animal abuse cases. Read the article for more.

That's all for now. Goodbye~~~

Article 1: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100215/ap_on_re_as/as_indonesia_obama_statue
Article 2: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1963933,00.html?xid=yahoo-feat

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