Saturday, July 31, 2010

Disneysea Kawaii Japanese Kids Pictures

Saw some usually Kawaii but unusually friendly japanese kids when me and mom went to Tokyo Disneysea. I promised that i'd post the pictures for them to look at here, so here they are!
Initially wanted to send them the pics through email but the language barrier was too great (a common hazzard in japan) i just gave them my blog's address. In any case the impression i get is that none of them has an email address in the first place. Btw, you guys made my day! Hope to see you all again someday somewhere somehow!

By Cylon! Where have i been!

Okay, haven't been updating for a long long time. Some will come soon, watch this space, lots to say.

P.S: to the Japanese kids i met at Disneysea, if you've been checking and didn't see any photos, Gomenasai! It's coming right up neh, by today!