Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A branding problem.

Ever heard of "1000 years of good work, ruined in a second" ? I'm sure you have. Obama's been sweet-talking China ever since he's president. But of course he just had to waste all that effort by selling weapons to Taiwan as well as meeting with the Dalai Lama. Anyway, this post is going to be me ranting a bit. About what you ask? About fools that doesn't feel embarassed doing embarassing stuff but embarassing others. The ranting's brought about by this particularly embarassing news (for Indonesians that is). A guy lost all his money at the casino and then he stole at the airport, the guy's of course an Indonesian as you might've guessed. Read the article for more details.

The Indonesian population as a whole are going to get so much stick just because of this one moron. In any case, besides ranting about the moron, couldn't the press be a little more delicate by reporting it like 'Tourist' instead of 'Indonesian' or something? Sigh, i myself know i'm being unreasonable in saying that. People are gonna remember this and brand us all in the same league as this goon. Same goes for what's been happening with Toyota, they'll be forever remembered by this one humongous mistake and receive bad press for a long long time to come. People won't trust them and they'll lose tons of money. All that years and years of reliability forgotten. They probably won't recover from this flub ever.

Know why there's so much negativity in the world? Because it's so much easier to remember than positive stuff that's why.So remember people, be positive! I can say the same way to myself, who knows maybe people won't actually find out about this news except me. Yeah right...

That's all for tonight, goodbye~~~


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